His Excellency, the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Lyonchen Tshering Tobgay launched Bhutan Lottery Limited’s first Domestic monthly paper lottery “PHUENSUM DHARIM” on 3rd November, 2016. The launch was graced by Hon’ble Finance Minister, Finance Secretary and other dignitaries.
The monthly lottery is priced at Nu. 50 per ticket and is made available for the domestic market only. The prize schedule ranges from 1st prize at Nu. 1 million, 2nd prize at Nu. Five hundred thousand, 3rd prize at Nu. Three hundred thousand and so on. The draw will take place in BLL office in Phuentsholing on 30th November 2016.
BLL shall come up with different schemes such as weekly lottery and Instant Scratch card games in the near future. And subsequently shall look into the possibilities of expansion of market outside of Bhutan, mainly in India upon the directives of the Royal Government of Bhutan.
BLL is confident that lottery being a vibrant business, it will be a good avenue for the government to generate good revenue. Developmental activities and services can be carried out in sectors like health, education and sports. These are the areas in which lottery certainly play a constructive role in helping the society. Reinstatement of lottery in the country shall also play a visible role in helping the society through providing employment opportunities.

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