• Gyalsem
  • Changing Lifes
  • Gyalsey's  Birthday
  • Indian Prime Ministers Visit.
  • Tshe -jur Bumper 2024





Lottery Results


Dzongkhag Sales Agents

Bhutan Lottery Limited has appointed 10 Lottery Sales Agents and 3 open sellers who are responsible for selling lottery in the 20 Dzongkhags. These 10 Sales Agents have appointed numerous sub-agents and sellers under them.

SN Region Address Mobile number Personal Mail ID
1 Thimphu  Bhutan  Smart Lottery Agent


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2 Tsirang  Gyeltshen Lottery Agent


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3 S/Jongkhar Bhutan Lottery Agent


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4 Paro Indo Lottery Agent


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5 Sarpang Menjong Lottery Agent


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6 Thimphu Bhutan Blessed Lottery Agent



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7 Mongar Tashi Wangchuk  Bhutan Lottery Agent 17812552/17652266 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
8 Zhemgang

Kuenjung Lottery Agent

17131606/17774890 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kuenphen Lottery Agent 17263527 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
10 Wangdue Draduels Delight Lottery Agent


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11 Trongsa  Mr. Jigme Dorji(Open Seller)


12 Trongsa Mrs.Deki Lhamo(Open Seller) 77379494 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
13 Tashigang Mrs Pema Chuki(Open Seller) 17707166 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Latest News/Announcements

  • 24

    In pursuant to the selection interview held on 23rd July 2024 Bhutan Lottery Limited (BLL) is pleased to announce the selected

  • 15

    Bhutan Lottery Limited is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the position of Finance Assistant as

  • 25

    Bhutan Lottery Limited would like to announce the vacancy for the position of Finance

Lottery Draw Images

Lottery Draw Machine numbers all set to zero
Draw Machine
Draw Machine
Draw Officer
Draw Officer
Draw Officer
Lottery Live Draw
Marketing Assistant during live draw
Marketing Assistant during live draw
BLL staffs watching draw live.
Judge and Audience
Judge and Audience